
Showing posts from January, 2021


    In the span of our lives, many  lessons cross our paths. Some formal, some teachable. Some real, some unrealistic. Even a few linger slowly behind like the shadow of a black cat. Time, though, has a funny way about how we learn these lessons. Sometimes it chooses to slap us in the face with said lesson, while other times it weaves the lesson into the patterns of our lives until one day, it comes full circle, finally making sense.       In college, I once dated this guy. I won't deny that I was a bit smitten with him. This state of mind allowed me to 'tune-out' one of his character defects: arrogance. He had an unusual perspective of what his most precious commodity was. It was his time. Whenever I would allude to the common 'where are we going with this relationship' conversation, he liked to remind me his 'time' should be enough (insert eye roll here).      Fast forward twenty years, and I find myself chewing on his very words. They ring so true to me t